Maybe what I’m missing is a “work hard, play hard” life. I don’t much like that phrase, but I think it captures how I like to live. Firstly that I like to work hard, and secondly that I don’t like to play if it isn’t hard.
I like to work hard. I want to feel like I’ve gotten something done each day. I think I need to work with this in mind. I need to start vacation days with a run, for example. I like to work on the weekends, even if just a little. I think well on Saturday afternoons, when the sun is shining and everyone’s out and about.
I don’t like play that isn’t hard. I don’t like aimless walks. I don’t like hikes for the sake of seeing nature. I don’t like lazy meals. I don’t like an all-day hang. All of these things can be made more intense for me by the inclusion of intense activity, or the inclusion of some kind of chemical stimulant. Alcohol and coffee work well.
It’s an interesting point of incompatibility with my partner, whose primary love language is quality time. They enjoy those times spent lazily doing nothing, walking, sitting on the couch, etc. Those times stress me out; I want to be doing something.