What is it about the wokeness of my peers that I find so unattractive? It feels disingenuous. Unrelatable. Being someone of privilege, I’ve been surrounded by people of privilege my whole life. When those people go woke, it feels purely like a denial of who they are.
There’s also an ironic saviorism to the wokeness of rich people.
But I have to remember that being sour is losing. Letting myself just feel hate and disgust is not making anything better. I need to smile and nod, and say nothing, and in my head I need to know I’m doing something that actually matters, no matter how small. I’m counteracting the negative effect of their disingenuous wokeness with some small positive act having some real impact on people around me. I did some regular volunteering last year, and need to get it back into my schedule this year. I donate money, I give socks to the homeless. It all feels small and futile, but it’s enough to feel like I’m doing more than talk.